Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Become a Successful Online Learner

How to Become a Successful Online Learner There is no magical formula in particular that works to guarantee your success in online tutoring. Online tutoring offer flexible and convenient tutoring, however, the student is responsible to develop methodology to get maximum from online tutoring that helps to meet their learning goals. Develop Time Management Skills:     The flexibility to take lessons at a convenient time is one of the greatest benefits of online tutoring. However, it is the drawback for students who are unable to give time to learn their lessons. The students should learn and develop time management taking initiatives to ask for a tutoring session instead of waiting for reminders from the tutor. Prepare and maintain “To Do” list regularly. Review the completed and pending task in your To Do list. Review syllabus of each subject and develop a monthly schedule to complete the lessons in each of the subjects. Effective Communication Skills: Effective and appropriate communication skills are very important in tutoring online. The student has to communicate their difficulties and queries through chat as online tutor is unable to see the confusion on a student’s face. Online tutors are well-versed with communication tools like email, chat room, discussion groups, cell phones and text messaging, so communicate through these tools. Online tutors are qualified and expert professionals. Do not communicate informally saying your difficulties with frustration and anger but use appropriate style and language. Write full, grammatically correct sentences with a respectful tone. Persistence:       Persistence is the biggest key to succeed online tutoring. The student succeeds who are tolerant to technical limitations, seek help when needed, work daily in class and persist through challenges. The student requires being mature enough to remain self-motivated and responsible. Hard work and accomplishing your tutoring is the only way to succeed tutoring online. Learn Basic Technical Skills: The student learning online should have basic technical knowledge to work with computers, surfing internet, download software’s. The student should learn to work with word processing documents, spreadsheet, use PowerPoint presentations etc. Typically, online tutoring offer on the whiteboard with live chat. However, the student should check out software and tools that they would require before they engage with any online tutoring website. Prepare Questions useful to your Learning: Asking appropriate question is one of the best ways to seek your answers. Online tutoring offer threaded discussions, email connectivity, chat rooms and forums for student to seek answers to your questions. Spend some time crafting your questions that may go beyond what you are going to learn in regular tutoring sessions.

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