Thursday, March 5, 2020

3 Goals to Set in Your Second Year of B-School

3 Goals to Set in Your Second Year of B-School Whether youre a full-time, part-time, or executive MBA student, the time you spend earning your masters degree can go by quickly. After youve completed one year of your program, you may be wondering what goals to set in the coming year. Goals to set in your second year of b-school include exploring career options, properly prioritizing tasks, and staying on track for graduation. Looking to set productive b-school goals? Here are three goals to set in your second year of b-school. Goal #1 for your second year of b-school: find the best career option for you Recruitment for full-time positions starts during the summer after your first year and continues throughout your second year of business school. Update your resume with your latest accomplishments, including achievements from your summer internship and responsibilities from leadership positions at your school. Additionally, use your new knowledge to target companies that would be a good fit for you post-graduation. Keep in mind that where you wanted to work during your first year of business school may not be where you want to work after graduation. Furthermore, the places that your classmates are interested in may not necessarily meet your needs. Do your research through company-sponsored events and informational interviews to identify opportunities that match what youre looking for in your career. [RELATED: 3 Tips for Networking in Business School] Goal #2 for your second year of b-school: choose your priorities Your business school will offer a plethora of opportunities. Take time to decide what you want to accomplish during the final two semesters of your MBA program. Do you want to participate in a case competition? Are you hoping to meet more people in your class? Are you looking to attend an MBA conference? Select the options that are most appealing to you, and focus your energy in that direction. Note that saying no to opportunities you arent interested in will allow you to say yes to events, trips, mixers, and interviews that align with your MBA goals. For example: If your goal is to secure a position at a financial institution in New York City, but youre attending an MBA program in Atlanta, you may want to plan a visit to Manhattan for a weekend instead of participating in your clubs alumni brunch that Saturday. If you want to work at a nonprofit organization after business school, consider attending the Net Impact conference, as opposed to spending the week on campus attending presentations from Fortune 500 companies. [RELATED: 3 Ways Struggling B-School Students Can Re-Focus This Semester] Goal #3 for your second year of b-school: graduate In the second year of your two-year MBA program, youll have the opportunity to choose more electives for your schedule. Although you have more flexibility with the types of courses taken, youll still need to meet your programs credit requirements, attend your classes, and maintain the GPA necessary to complete the program. Additionally, while youre in those classes, take time to build relationshipsboth with classmates you may not have encountered before and with your new professors. The community that you build during business school will help you throughout your career. [RELATED: 5 Tips to Ease the Transition from Business School to the Business World] These three goals to set in your second year of b-school may seem simple to accomplish, but they will take commitment. As an MBA student juggling a growing number of tasks on any given day, you may become distracted by the myriad of options presented to you. Make a decision about what you want, and then formulate a plan to achieve it. Its okay if the plan changes, as long as it aligns with your goals for your business school experience. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

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