Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Cool Chem Projects For High School

Cool Chem Projects For High SchoolCool chemistry experiments for high school are easy to come up with. Chemistry is a science that is taught in many ways, such as using the good old fire and water. It's great at getting kids involved and excited about learning about a subject. This article will give you some ideas to come up with cool experiments for high school.The first thing you need to do when coming up with these experiments for high school is to pick something that has to do with what you are going to be teaching in the class. If you are looking for a cool chemistry experiment for high school that has to do with testing and analyzing chemicals, you should look at how the most commonly used testing kits are made.You can always make a test yourself to see if the chemical reaction will produce the right results, but that is time consuming and may not provide the expected results. It's better to get something like this together before you teach your students. A nice kit will let yo u put together a project where you can use some simple equipment that they will be able to use, plus they will know it's a 'real' chemistry experiment for high school. This will also get them excited about learning the subject matter and give them a sense of accomplishment when the experiment turns out the way they want it to.The second thing to remember is that learning good old chemistry can be fun. Remember that what you are trying to accomplish is to teach your students something. It's not about you beating them over the head with facts about a subject. Just try to keep it to a minimum and get your students involved in the process.The last thing you should remember when making these cool chemistry experiments for high school is to keep it simple. Don't overwhelm them by going overboard and trying to have an out of this world experiment. Instead of trying to cram facts into their heads that you can't possibly know, just do it naturally and show them how it is done.You can even us e this to help you design these cool high school chemistry projects. If you don't know a lot about chemistry and you are just trying to do a quick test or two, you should keep it as simple as possible. However, if you know a little bit about chemistry, then it's fine to show off that knowledge and get it out in the open.While you're thinking about cool experiments for high school chemistry projects, there are several other things you should consider doing as well. These include some experiments you can make to help test a substance that you plan on teaching your students, such as a substance to test which may be dangerous.You can also use this to see if a chemical reaction will work or not. The only difference between these tests and the ones you would do in a real chemistry class is that you are helping your students to learn and doing it in a fun environment.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Important Information About Doane University Tutoring

Important Information About Doane University TutoringIf you want to improve your English and become more fluent in English, you should definitely consider enrolling in Doane University Tutoring. This is a great place for you to study English grammar and learn all you need to know about the language. In this article, I am going to introduce you to what you can expect from this prestigious institution. In addition, I will tell you why this school has become a popular place for people of all ages to be enrolled.The first thing that you need to understand about Doane University Tutoring is that it's an accredited institution. This means that this school will offer students a great degree of excellence. This makes it easier for you to get in the best colleges, universities, and other schools. What does this mean for you? It means that you can become more educated and move forward faster.So how can you get the kind of education that you need to learn English? This is simple. You should sta rt by enrolling in Doane University Tutoring and being their student. Once you begin to enroll in their classes, you will learn what you need to learn. You will learn how to think about the English language and use the right words in the right way.This is important for you to know, especially if you will need to get things written down on a regular basis. However, once you have been a student at Doane University Tutoring, you will learn how to develop effective speaking skills and how to express yourself well. You will also learn how to give correct and appropriate directions and how to communicate with others effectively.When you are studying for college entrance exams, it is essential that you get them to be on a regular basis. You cannot succeed without speaking English fluently.If you want to become fluent in English, you should enroll in Doane University Tutoring. You will get to learn all that you need to know, and then go on to have a wonderful and rewarding future.This is no t just one of the top institutions for studying English, but also one of the most respected and well-known institutions in the English-speaking world. This makes it easy for you to understand why it is one of the top choices for students who are looking for a place to learn.

Why Competitive Edge Tutoring Can Help You to Achieve Your Goals

Why Competitive Edge Tutoring Can Help You to Achieve Your GoalsJust like the other mainstream academic fields, there are a number of ways in which competitive edge tutoring can help you in your quest to attain a higher education. One of the most obvious and most ideal way of doing so is through its role in preparing you for various career opportunities. This is because tutoring will enable you to master the necessary skills that will land you a fruitful and rewarding career as well as a career that is open to other possibilities.This is especially true if you are in the general line of work, which is typically associated with a steady and consistent job. Although this can be one of the more comfortable and lucrative avenues, you would have to agree that the results aren't all that satisfying.In competitive edge tutoring, you will discover that you're able to learn new and better skills to help you advance in the right direction. It doesn't only mean that you will learn better readin g and writing skills. It also means that you will learn how to properly present yourself in the classroom environment, how to get along with the rest of the students and how to maintain your composure even in times of stress.And this is just one of the many benefits that you will get from competitive edge tutoring. Of course, you won't get anything out of it if you don't want to try it. But when you do get involved in it, you'll discover that you have a much wider range of opportunities to explore, both on a personal and professional level.Because competitive edge tutoring requires the active participation of both the student and the tutor, you will be able to build a strong bond with the tutor that will serve you well during your study period. The benefit is that you will be able to learn a lot more than if you were sitting at your own desk, just reading books and taking notes.You would also find that you have the opportunity to form close relationships with other students who have similar interests and talents. When it comes to learning skills, you have a greater possibility of finding out the ones that would help you reach the goals that you have set for yourself.So if you want to better your professional careers, then it's important that you take advantage of the benefits that competitive edge tutoring can provide. You will be able to enrich your lives through a variety of opportunities that will have you immersed in something that you'd never have dreamed of doing before.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pottery Classes London

Pottery Classes London Finding Pottery Courses in London ChaptersParade Mews PotteryShirley Stewart Pottery CoursesCeramics Studio CooperativeThe Clay RoomCrown Works PotteryAt first blush, this task seems unequal to mighty search engines: what can't you find in London would be a better challenge for them.Thinking in those terms overlooks the salient point of the question: true, you can find anything with the right GPS coordinates and proper directions.The question is: would what you find be exactly what you’re looking for?Our capital city has it all: history and cosmopolitanism, tradition and modernism, bureaucracy and art...Generally, one thinks of science as the ‘opposite’ of art â€" think of the phrase ‘arts and science’ that is generally used to represent a balance of extremes, especially in academia.However, giving the matter deeper thought, one must conclude that science and art both require a great deal of imagination and creativity, whereas bureaucracy... doesn’t.Regardless, London has plenty of extremes and lots of ar t (and bureaucracy) to enjoy.One art form in particular that does involve a bit of science is ceramics. Or pottery, if you wish to hold us to this article’s title.Essentially, there is little difference between ceramics and pottery; they are both produced with the same materials, clays, and undergo the same processes:Shaping the clay body: forming it into whichever shape you desire; vases, cups... even stoneware dishes.Firing: placing the clay body into a kiln once the clay has driedGlazing: coating the clay body in a shiny, protective coatingRe-firing: exposure to the intense heat of a gas kiln or electric kiln ensures the glaze is bonded to the clay body at the molecular level.Taking the clinical approach, as we have here, there appears to be little mystery to being a clay artist but the art of clay does not rest only in the processes.Experimenting with clay mixtures, forming the bodies, expressing your artistic vision through your finishes â€" sgraffito and underglazes, applyin g Terra Sigillata...In short, there is nothing clinical about ceramic arts. It is all about skill and passion, vision and creation and, yes, processes.Whether you want to take up pottery for its therapeutic benefits â€" yes, there are many, or to express your artistic side, London certainly has a pottery class for you.Come with your Superprof now to discover the best ones. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsParade Mews Pottery If you're going to work with clay, you should plan to get a bit dirty Image by Ambir Tolang from PixabayLet’s start on the right foot: clay art can be a messy business and not everyone is wildly enthused about getting dirty. That is perfectly understandable.Would you really sacrifice pottery-making simply because you have no inclination to get a bit grubby? Well, maybe if you knew a bit more about clay pottery...It is in that spirit of understanding that Parade Mews offers their taster sessions.You are invited to try handbuilding â€" working off a slab of clay and then coiling and pinching it into shape, much as you would with modelling clay or throwing a pot, the messy version that incorporates a potter’s wheel.Either way, you would be treated to refreshments and, even better: you get to keep two of the pieces you made.After such a two-hour session, if you decide you would like to learn more about ceramics, you are welcome to sign up for any of their adult classes; they also hav e kids’ classes after school for children as young as seven.For hen/stag parties, special events; even for students taking art classes at university, Parade Mews has something for everyone.Unlike Birmingham, London does not have a long history of ceramics works but Parade Mews comes very close to establishing this city as an important contributor to ceramic art.Shirley Stewart Pottery CoursesLondon is dotted with many architectural gems, one of them being the Lewisham Arthouse. Wouldn’t it be great to take pottery lessons there?Thanks to Shirley Stewart, a ceramic artist who has been exhibiting her work since 1989, you can!She now lends her considerable experience to a series of classes targeted to anyone interested in ceramic sculpting, wheel throwing or finishing â€" glazing pottery.Courses are held over the weekends, or on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 7-9 in the evening.Shirley also hosts workshops for children as young as five every Monday through Thursday, from 4: 30 to 6. If you have a teenager who might want to try their hand at the potter’s wheel, Shirley has a course especially for them, too.Prices and offerings for the many courses in this art curriculum vary; it would be best to contact her directly for the most up-to-date information.Did you know that Scotland, especially Glasgow has a tradition of pottery and ceramics? After your taster session, the clay artists will finish your work of art for you Image by sebastian del val from Pixabayceramics artists band together; they rent studio space large enough to accommodate several workshops and split the cost.If these artists agree, they may also tag-team as pottery instructors offering classes in basic skills, hand building techniques and glazing techniques. If they’re really brave (and have the right insurance), they teach kids classes, too.The Co-op is just such a pottery studio. They have the perfect blend of visual artists who are all keen to impart their knowledge to anyone interested in any facet of pottery-making.For instance, if you have a fair grasp of throwing, you may want to learn more about selecting and operating an electric kiln or learning how to use a raku kiln.The Co-op offers such courses, along with pottery painting workshops, glazing workshops and, yes, even the elementary wheel throwing workshops.By contrast, most ceramics class es in Leeds mostly revolve around painting and drawing on ceramics with little pottery-making involved...The Clay RoomWhat started out as an independent artist’s studio has turned into a new, major space for sharing the love of art and the joy of creation with as many as possible.The quartet of ceramists that staff the Clay Room did not come to the discipline in the traditional way; meaning that they did not know from an early age that ceramic sculpture was their life’s calling and go on to incur substantial debt to pay for their art education.Well, except for maybe Krista.The fact that most of the instructors at the Room came to clay in the same way you have, curious and willing to learn, makes them perhaps the best teachers for learning how to make pottery for those who are yet uncertain that clay sculpture is for them.You might try their throwing taster just to see how things work out and, if all goes well, you may even settle on the family-friendly course that is due to star t soon.Other offerings include clay taster workshops, when you would get to sample both wheel throwing and clay sculpting, slip casting and mould-making courses (a fun and easy way to make holiday ornaments!) or an all-out, ‘teach me everything!’ pottery class.Their new studio is only about 40 minutes outside of London city centre but so well worth the trip...The Midlands, especially Manchester is a location rich in ceramic materials that continue to be worked today. Along with pottery techniques, you will learn how to use clay tools Image by LuAnn Hunt from PixabayCrown Works PotteryIf you didn’t want to travel to Orpington or, for that matter, to the Midlands for pottery classes you may be quite happy to know that there are pottery lessons open to you just east of the heart of London.This working studio of eight artists offers up their distinctive pottery skills in one-offs, workshops and extended session classes that are open to anyone whether beginner or intermediate.If you are more advanced but would still like to learn from these masters, they encourage you to contact them so they can tailor their lessons specifically to your needs.Naturally, they will tailor lessons to all of their students’ needs: understanding the different types of clays: slip, ball clay, fire clay, or kaolin; how to mix them and what each composition is best suited for.In short, they’re not going to simply sit you in front of a pottery wheel (or hand you an extru der), tell you to get your clay and get on with it. If you’re there to learn about clay arts, you will inevitably learn about clay â€" not just what you can do with it.Exploring all of the art studios in and around London, we find that ceramic artists all have one particular trait in common.They have a passion to beautify the earth one piece of pottery at a time. The fact that they do so with the most elemental materials â€" earth, water and fire makes their art somehow seem so forthright and so pure.Doesn’t that make you want to learn what pottery art is all about?No need to search the web for ‘pottery classes near me’, Superprof makes your life easier with this handy list of London pottery classes.Pottery Classes in LondonStudio NamePhysical AddressPhone NumberWeb AddressParade Mews Pottery7 Parade Mews Norwood Road, London SE27 9AX0208 678 1686www.parademewspottery.co.ukShirley Stewart Lewisham Arthouse140 Lewisham Way London SE14 6PD0208 692 2513www.shirleystewart.co.ukC eramics Studio Coop Units 14C, 16C, 17CJuno Way, London London SE14 5RW0208 691 6421www.ceramicsstudio.coopThe Clay RoomV22 Priory, Church Hill, Orpington, BR6 0HH0793 810 2062www.theclayroomuk.comCrown Works Pottery11 Crown Works Temple Street London E2 6QQ0777 415 5703www.crownworkspottery.comSkandiHus Pottery90 De Beauvoir Road London N1 4EN0778 987 4147www.skandihus.co.ukTurning Earth E1011 Argall Ave, Walthamstow, London E10 7QE0203 325 1912www.turningearth.org/e10Clay Time168 Blackstock Road London N5 1HA0203 441 8787www.claytime.london

How to Become a Successful Online Learner

How to Become a Successful Online Learner There is no magical formula in particular that works to guarantee your success in online tutoring. Online tutoring offer flexible and convenient tutoring, however, the student is responsible to develop methodology to get maximum from online tutoring that helps to meet their learning goals. Develop Time Management Skills:     The flexibility to take lessons at a convenient time is one of the greatest benefits of online tutoring. However, it is the drawback for students who are unable to give time to learn their lessons. The students should learn and develop time management taking initiatives to ask for a tutoring session instead of waiting for reminders from the tutor. Prepare and maintain “To Do” list regularly. Review the completed and pending task in your To Do list. Review syllabus of each subject and develop a monthly schedule to complete the lessons in each of the subjects. Effective Communication Skills: Effective and appropriate communication skills are very important in tutoring online. The student has to communicate their difficulties and queries through chat as online tutor is unable to see the confusion on a student’s face. Online tutors are well-versed with communication tools like email, chat room, discussion groups, cell phones and text messaging, so communicate through these tools. Online tutors are qualified and expert professionals. Do not communicate informally saying your difficulties with frustration and anger but use appropriate style and language. Write full, grammatically correct sentences with a respectful tone. Persistence:       Persistence is the biggest key to succeed online tutoring. The student succeeds who are tolerant to technical limitations, seek help when needed, work daily in class and persist through challenges. The student requires being mature enough to remain self-motivated and responsible. Hard work and accomplishing your tutoring is the only way to succeed tutoring online. Learn Basic Technical Skills: The student learning online should have basic technical knowledge to work with computers, surfing internet, download software’s. The student should learn to work with word processing documents, spreadsheet, use PowerPoint presentations etc. Typically, online tutoring offer on the whiteboard with live chat. However, the student should check out software and tools that they would require before they engage with any online tutoring website. Prepare Questions useful to your Learning: Asking appropriate question is one of the best ways to seek your answers. Online tutoring offer threaded discussions, email connectivity, chat rooms and forums for student to seek answers to your questions. Spend some time crafting your questions that may go beyond what you are going to learn in regular tutoring sessions.

Adding Three Fractions - Maths Online Tutoring

Adding Three Fractions - Maths Online Tutoring A fraction will always be a form of a / b where b cannot divide a completely and b 0. Fraction is also known as rational number. Steps to add three fractions: - Suppose if we wants to add three fractions 4/9, 2/3, 1/6. Step 1:- Find the L. C.M. of the denominators 9, 3 and 6. Factors of 9 = 3 * 3 Factors of 3 = 3 Factors of 6 = 3 * 2 At first find the common of all three numbers which is 3 and other two numbers 3 and 2 which are left. Product of 3, 3 and 2 is 18 So Least common factor = 18. Step 2: - Divide the L.C.M. = 18 by each of the denominator 9, 3 and 6 then multiply the obtained quotient with their respective numerators. So, For the first fraction 4/9: 18/ 9= 2 and 2 * 4 = 8 For the second fraction 2/3: 18 / 3 = 6 and 6 * 2 = 12 Similarly for the third fraction: 1/ 6: 18 / 6= 3 and 3 * 1= 3 Step 3: Now add 8, 12 and 3 which gives 23 Step 4: 23/ 18 Another example:- Simplify 1 / 2 + 3 / 8 + 5 / 6. Solution: - 1 / 2 + 3 / 8 + 5 / 6.=(1 * 12 + 3 * 3 + 5 * 4) / 24 = (12 + 9 + 20) /24 = 41 / 24

3 Goals to Set in Your Second Year of B-School

3 Goals to Set in Your Second Year of B-School Whether youre a full-time, part-time, or executive MBA student, the time you spend earning your masters degree can go by quickly. After youve completed one year of your program, you may be wondering what goals to set in the coming year. Goals to set in your second year of b-school include exploring career options, properly prioritizing tasks, and staying on track for graduation. Looking to set productive b-school goals? Here are three goals to set in your second year of b-school. Goal #1 for your second year of b-school: find the best career option for you Recruitment for full-time positions starts during the summer after your first year and continues throughout your second year of business school. Update your resume with your latest accomplishments, including achievements from your summer internship and responsibilities from leadership positions at your school. Additionally, use your new knowledge to target companies that would be a good fit for you post-graduation. Keep in mind that where you wanted to work during your first year of business school may not be where you want to work after graduation. Furthermore, the places that your classmates are interested in may not necessarily meet your needs. Do your research through company-sponsored events and informational interviews to identify opportunities that match what youre looking for in your career. [RELATED: 3 Tips for Networking in Business School] Goal #2 for your second year of b-school: choose your priorities Your business school will offer a plethora of opportunities. Take time to decide what you want to accomplish during the final two semesters of your MBA program. Do you want to participate in a case competition? Are you hoping to meet more people in your class? Are you looking to attend an MBA conference? Select the options that are most appealing to you, and focus your energy in that direction. Note that saying no to opportunities you arent interested in will allow you to say yes to events, trips, mixers, and interviews that align with your MBA goals. For example: If your goal is to secure a position at a financial institution in New York City, but youre attending an MBA program in Atlanta, you may want to plan a visit to Manhattan for a weekend instead of participating in your clubs alumni brunch that Saturday. If you want to work at a nonprofit organization after business school, consider attending the Net Impact conference, as opposed to spending the week on campus attending presentations from Fortune 500 companies. [RELATED: 3 Ways Struggling B-School Students Can Re-Focus This Semester] Goal #3 for your second year of b-school: graduate In the second year of your two-year MBA program, youll have the opportunity to choose more electives for your schedule. Although you have more flexibility with the types of courses taken, youll still need to meet your programs credit requirements, attend your classes, and maintain the GPA necessary to complete the program. Additionally, while youre in those classes, take time to build relationshipsboth with classmates you may not have encountered before and with your new professors. The community that you build during business school will help you throughout your career. [RELATED: 5 Tips to Ease the Transition from Business School to the Business World] These three goals to set in your second year of b-school may seem simple to accomplish, but they will take commitment. As an MBA student juggling a growing number of tasks on any given day, you may become distracted by the myriad of options presented to you. Make a decision about what you want, and then formulate a plan to achieve it. Its okay if the plan changes, as long as it aligns with your goals for your business school experience. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.